Monday, 16 May 2011

Wet, wet, wet....

Yesterday...yes Sunday 15th May...Steph Dawson and myself set off at 7am for Snowdonian, joining a group of intrepid hikers from Headway brain injury association, CMI and FSB to scale Snowdon and raise money for Headway. Joined by 2 excited pooches Poppy and Misty, we set off in silly hats, "water-proofs" and high spirits.

After 4 hours of continuous rain, strong winds and increasing cold everyone came to agree that "water proof" is a slightly mis-leading marketing term and is no-ones hightech gear a match for the persistance of Welsh rain! Nevertheless, we battled through scree, hypothermia (almost) and waterlogged gloves, coats and boots to finish 7 hours later at Café Gwynant at Pont Bethania, for much deserved hot chocolate and cake.

Provadis raised nearly £200 for Charity, we got some much needed exercise and met great people. All in all a brilliant day. Thank you to Martin Hughes from Headway for organising and Mark Sykes for leading the group.

I am especially proud of Steph who demonstrated great tenacity and extreme resilience by completing the 9 mile, 1085m climb only 2 weeks after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes! With a lot of upfront planning - including "what-if" scenario planning - careful monitoring and adjustment throughout the hike, and some serious mind over matter (in conditions which tested the most experienced mountain leaders) Steph proved that nothing can stop you, if you put your mind to it!

Well done everyone! Look forward to the next trip when the sun is shining!

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